Patient information

Patient information

Thank you for choosing Dr Johann Lochner Inc for your periodontal needs.

Making an appointment is easy!

Timely and accurate patient information is the foundation on which we render our services. As medical professionals we ask you to kindly submit your medical information upon engaging with us.

New Patients

  1. Phone the practice to book an appointment.
  2. Please complete our Medical Information Form.
  3. Please view our Patient Consent Manual.
  4. Forms completed online will be electronically submitted to the practice.
  5. Should you prefer to print and sign please hand it in when you arrive for your appointment.
  6. Please take note of our Payment Policy.

Existing Patient Information

Making an appointment is easy!

  1. Phone the practice to book an appointment.
  2. Please view our Patient Consent Manual.
  3. Forms completed online will be electronically submitted to the practice.
  4. Should you prefer to print and sign please hand it in when you arrive for your appointment.
  5. Please take note of our Payment Policy.

Pre & Post Surgery Information

Contact us if you have any questions.